More Midwiferies needed in Liberia

During the 14-years civil war in Liberia, the health system became increasingly fragile, and lack of roads and transportation made it difficult for pregnant women to receive necessary emergency care. This issue has created a strong need to strengthen midwifery in Liberia by allowing many other serious organisations to join the struggle. BUT, it is strong battle to fight to get an accreditation.
As a result, Liberia has one of the highest mortality rates in the world according to one of USAID articles in 2015. The story has not changed. However, the country is now trying to change that story through investment in midwifery programs but more needs to be done. Currently, 44 percent of Liberian women give birth without a skilled attendant, and nearly one out of 138 mothers die from preventable causes during childbirth. Such issues could be avoided with basic training or strengthened midwifery programs in Liberia according to WHO.
There are 6 midwifery schools in Liberia, half of which are in rural areas, and less than 200 midwives for over four million people. Most of these midwives work in urban areas. Strengthening programs and allowing more programs to operate, especially in the rural area will definitely will improve access to quality care for women around the country.
Liberia Dujar University College is still awaiting an accreditation to join the schools operating the midwifery programs in Liberia. We have worried, we have had meetings with some well-known people but to no avail.
But here is one thing I learned: Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but does not get you anywhere. So why worry?